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It is Glenn Tieman’s New Catamaran

Glenn Tieman’s new 38-ft cat sails off the San Diego waterfront.

Bill Barker
© Latitude 38 Media, LLC

It’s as we suspected in Wednesday’s ‘Lectronic, the photo we ran, as well as the one above, is of Glenn Tieman’s new catamaran Tama Moana. You’ll remember that he cruised his previous catamaran, the 26-ft Wharran Peregrine for 10 years between California and Asia, living happily on $1 to $3 a day. For you  liberal arts students, that’s between $365 and $1,100 – a year. He built his old cat for $3,000; the new one, a 38-footer, was going to cost him under $15,000.

We know the cat with the ‘crab claw’ sails belongs to Tieman because Bill Barker, who sent us this photo, says he and his son did their first ever sails on the cat, an overnighter from Oxnard to Santa Barbara. "What a great time we had!"

We’re going to track down Tieman, who is something of a hero of ours, to get more details on his boat and what he has planned for her. Nice looking, isn’t she?


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