I Need a New Latitude
Do you have the midsummer reading blues? Have you devoured all the novels you’d been saving since winter for those lazy summer days when you were on the hook and able to kick back with some serious reading material? Are you in need of something fresh and witty to feed your brain? Are you in need of a little Latitude adjustment?

©2018 Latitude 38 Media, LLC
Well, fear not, eager reader; the August issue of Latitude 38 is hitting the stands as we speak. We’re especially proud of this issue — but to be fair, we’re proud of them all. We have a full wrap-up of this year’s Singlehanded TransPacific Yacht Race and Pacific Cup, as well as the Tahiti Moorea Sailing Rendez-Vous. And we have a long awaited feature about Saildrone, a company that’s doing exciting work in Alameda.

©2018 Latitude 38 Media, LLC
In this month’s Sightings, we have stories about this year’s Clipper Round the World Race from San Francisco sailor Harmon Shragge, all the dirt on dredging, news about a new documentary celebrating a renaissance in Polynesian voyaging, and the remarkable recovery of Jim and Joy Carey’s Omega 45 Kelaerin. Let’s not forget about Letters, where we have long and healthy debates over fenders, climate change, and the proper way to be the give-way vessel. And as always, we’ll have the winner of this month’s Caption Contest(!) in Loose Lips.

So be sure to sneak out of work early today, slide down to your local marina, chandlery, yacht broker, yacht club, yacht storage or bar, and grab yourself a new Latitude. Your soul will thank you for it.