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Hopkins Has Competition

Less than a week after a jury found his case against Bismarck Dinius to be less than convincing, embattled Lake County District Attorney Jon E. Hopkins received the news that he will not be running unopposed next year for the D.A. seat. Lake County News’ Elizabeth Larson reports that Lakeport attorney Don Anderson has thrown his hat into the ring.

“It’s just disheartening to see what Lake County has been through over the last several years, especially recently," Anderson told Larson. He cites the travesty of justice that was the Dinius case, though he says that’s not the only reason he feels the D.A.’s office needs a shake-up.

Hopkins, who was elected in 2006, when he was the only candidate on the ballot, insists competition is a good thing, and that his many years of experience working as a D.A. will convince voters that he’s the right man for the job.

Highly criticized Lake County Sheriff Rod Mitchell is also up for re-election next fall, and is being challenged by Francisco Rivero. We just hope the people of Lake County remember Bismarck Dinius next fall when they go into the voting booth.


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Ted Kennedy, who loved sailing and being at sea about as much as he loved anything else, passed away last night at Hyannis Port, MA.
Sausalito sailor Tim Sell caught this great series of shots during last night’s Sausalito YC Beer Cans.