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Ha-Ha XV Entry Deadline Extended

Compared to most offshore sailing events, the annual Baja Ha-Ha rally from San Diego to Cabo San Lucas is loosely administered by design. In keeping with that philosophy, the Rally Committee has extended the published deadline, September 10, until early next week.

"Sure, what the heck — the more the merrier" said one Committee member. Be aware, however, that if you wait too long to sign up you will miss the chance to have your bio and photo published in Latitude 38 and in the event program, and your boat’s name will not be listed on the event T-shirt. With a current total of 179 entries, this year’s event may well be the biggest and best ever. So if you’ve been procrastinating, we suggest you bite the bullet and commit! Signing up is easier than ever, via our online registration page. See you in San Diego!

Here are the latest victims . . . er, participants:

170) Mahalo, Cal 40, Holly Scott, Long Beach
171) Crystal Blue Persuasion, SR-55/SX, Gary Burgin, Charleston, OR
172) Catch Wind, Catalina 30, Jeff Grant, San Pedro
173) Delphinia, Morgan 34, Robert Lieb, Long Beach
174) Amani, Fountaine Pajot 56, Chris Connors, Vallejo
175) Medusa, Santa Cruz 52, Kelly Benedicks, Sausalito
176) Odessa Mama, Whitby 42, Stan May, Portland
177) Julia Morgan, Morgan Out Island 41, Thomas Christensen, Long Beach
178) PanaSea, Catalina 380, Dean Laurin, Emery Cove YH
179) Lea Scotia, Taswell 43, Trevor & Karissa MacLachlan, Seattle


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Stephen Pugh’s Taboo pulverizes a ‘mogul’ during yesterday’s second race. The twitchy Melges 32s proved a handful for some of the teams when the breeze topped-out in the low-20s.
"We have sold our truck and have gone out of the business of trucking boats from Mexico back to the States," Kiki Grossman, Manager of Marina Seca, San Carlos, told us in a telephone interview yesterday.