Ha-Ha Weather Looking Warm and Moony
It’s been cloudy and rainy in San Diego for the last couple of days, and with the 149-boat Ha-Ha fleet slated to head south of the border one week from today, it looks like another couple of overcast days are ahead.
But there’s great news: The weather for the Sunday Kick-Off Party at the West Marine Super Store,and the Monday start looks as though it will be spectacular. Forecasts are calling for highs of 80 degrees with lots of sunshine. As if that weren’t enough, there will be a full moon on Monday night, and only slightly lesser moons all the way down to the first stop at Turtle Bay.
Forecasts a week out are unreliable, of course, but for now it appears there will be moderate winds along that 360-mile first leg. But the season certainly has changed on the Pacific Coast, as evidenced both by the Southern California rain, and the fact that strong winds are expected to blow down the Pacific Coast of Baja and in the Sea of Cortez during the middle of this week. As far as the Grand Poobah is concerned, that’s more good news, because it’s going to bring cooling temperatures to the warm waters of Baja, which makes conditions less conducive to rare November tropical disturbances.
If you’re a weather fan, you might want to call up Passage Weather and check out the graphical forecast for the development a tropical system they predict — and for the last three days have predicted — will form later this week down near the Guatemalan border. It’s mind-boggling they can even attempt to forecast systems so far in advance. Anyway, it’s been interesting to see what the computer models are forecasting for the path of this not-yet-existent system, and how it changes every 12 hours or so.
With Paul having dumped a lot of rain on Baja last week, that means the desert has gotten three very heavy doses of rain in the last couple of months. The good news is that it means an unusual amount of greenery and flowers. The bad news is that it means an unusual number of bugs.
It case you didn’t read last Friday’s ‘Lectronic, Immigration officials in Mexico City have agreed to not enforce any of the new Immigration laws until after the Ha-Ha fleet will have checked in at Cabo on November 9. Whew! After that, mariners who want to stop anywhere along the Baja coast before Cabo should check into Mexico at Ensenada.