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Free Classy Classifieds!

You already know how well Classy Classifieds work for selling your stuff and now ads for boats or any other piece of gear you have for sale under $1,000 are completely free! Just click HERE, compose your ad (up to 40 words) and voilà! (Regular rates for photos and all other ads apply.) If you get it in by 5 p.m. on February 18, your free ad will be in the March issue of Latitude.

NOTE: This is a brand new option so until we can get the website updated, just enter zeros into the required credit card fields to process your ad.

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One of the magnificent manta rays at San Benedicto Island. These rays have the largest brain-to-body weight ratio of all sharks and rays.
Michel Desjoyeaux validated his nickname, "The Professor," when he arrived in Les Sables d’Olonne Sunday afternoon, having won the 2008-2009 Vendée Globe in a new record time of 84d, 3h, 9m.
It took awhile, but when the breeze finally did come up, it was a picture-perfect day.