DRYC Plans New Inverted Start Race for the First Day of April
While traveling through New Zealand, where everybody sails and sailing is part of the school curriculum, Del Rey Yacht Club race officials observed several races. The one that stood out for originality, participation and boldness was their mixed-fleet inverted start.
Occupying a unique spot in the Southern Hemisphere, New Zealand has the resources for a proper inverted start as shown here:

New Awards
The club is planning new trophies. A benchmark and new standard in awards will be established.

As an added bonus we’ll add the ultimate accessorizing to the pickle dishes:

Here are the trophies for the overall winners:
The club plans to offer Predicted Log events for the powerboaters:
There’s also a new and improved anchor management seminar:

Save the date! April 1, 2023. Or is it 2024? No worries; we’ll correct it.
April fools day in advance