Doublehanded Farallones Rescue
This weekend’s Doublehanded Farallones Race ended prematurely for Moss Landing’s Luc de Faymoreau and Disun Den Daas aboard the former’s Olson 40 Pterodactyl. De Faymoreau said they were five miles east of the Farallones when both — who were not clipped in — were washed overboard by what he described as a "freak wave." The two were in the water for a short time, according to de Faymoreau, before being rescued by Clifford Shaw on his Crowther 36 Rainbow.
USCG LTJG Lauren Kolumbic told us they are tracking Pterodactyl with the help of Rainbow‘s 406 MHz EPIRB, which they placed aboard after they arrived on scene. Unfortunately, the sea conditions were too rough — 15-ft seas and winds gusting to 30 knots — to transfer de Faymoreau and Den Daas back to Pterodactyl. Kolumbic said the last position for Pterodactyl was near the Farallones.
Although Kolumbic indicated that the ‘good samaritan’ vessel which picked up the two sailors was racing as well, the list of entries and results listed on race organizer BAMA’s website do not indicate a vessel of that name or type. At this point, de Faymoreau plans to offer a reward for the return of the vessel but is as of yet unsure as to how much it will be. He said there have been a lot of rumors floating around about what happened, and in order to dispel those, he’s promised us a full account which was not available by our deadline today. We’ll have a more fleshed-out report as well as any updates in Wednesday’s ‘Lectronic Latitude.