Do NOT Do Mexican Paperwork Yet

© Latitude 38 Media, LLC
"I have just applied online for our Temporary Import Permit (TIP) for Mexico," writes Desley Oliphant, "as we’ll be doing the Baja Ha-Ha for the first time this year aboard our boat Wind Dancer. But when filling out the TIP application form online, there were about 12 choices in the drop-down menu of locations for entering Mexico. Cabo San Lucas wasn’t listed. Neither was Ensenada. And there was nowhere that a different choice could be written in. Since Mexicali was the only place on the Pacific side, I selected that.
"My concern is that when we try to check in at Cabo, they won’t accept it, and will want to send us back to Mexicali.
"While I have not yet applied for our tourist visas online, I understand there is the same drop-down menu with the same choices. Help! What are we to do?"
In your case Desley, just relax, as we’ll get this straightened out either online or with a ship’s agent in Cabo. Please be patient.
With regard to all other people who will be heading south to Mexico, DO NOT ATTEMPT TO DO ANY PAPERWORK YET!
Neil Shroyer of Marina de La Paz reports the problem is that Banjercito (the Mexican military bank) adopted their web page from the web page for automobiles crossing into Mexico. Aduana (Customs) is working to get them to change the website now. Shroyer recommends that everyone wait until the end of September or even early October to apply for their TIP.
At Step 3 in the TIP application form, there is a long list of items that are accessories to one’s boat. Do not list your dinghy there, because if you do, your dinghy will automatically only get 180 days in Mexico. List your dinghy at Step 5, and it can legally be in Mexico for 10 years.
When you apply for the 180 visa, be sure to list only one person per vessel, as this will insure that you get a receipt for everyone. If you do it more than one person at a time, there will only be one receipt, and everyone listed will have to show up at Immigration together to get their Tourist Cards.
But please, if you’re signed up for the Baja Ha-Ha rally this year, wait until the end of September or early October to do the paperwork. We’ll tell you when, and we’ll guide you through it.

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