Delta Ironman Challenge

Andreas Cove Yacht Club on the San Joaquin River is organizing a Delta Ironman Challenge. You don’t need to ride a bike, swim, or run — just sail five days in a row in five beer can races on May 13-17:
- Wednesday, 5/13: Vallejo Yacht Club’s beer can race.
- Thursday, 5/14: Benicia YC’s beer can race.
- Friday, 5/15: Pittsburg YC will host an evening race on New York Slough.
- Saturday, 5/16: Andreas Cove YC Summer Race.
- Sunday, 5/17: Stockton Sailing Club’s Spring Series #6.

"Each club already has the races scheduled and so it’s only a matter of voyaging down the line," said organizer Dave Cowell of ACYC. "There’s even a flood that week." For more information on the DIC, email Dave or call him at (530) 272-3209 or (530) 575-1891 (cell).
To sweeten the pot, Latitude 38 will offer prizes to the finishers, including a first-class subscription, a hat or T-shirt, and 15 minutes of fame. To take us up on this offer, compete in all five races, drop us a note by May 22 and include a photo. If we have more than three takers, we’ll draw prize winners randomly, but we’ll list everyone’s name.