Cup Rumors
Last week was a whirlwind of America’s Cup activity, not the least of which — as far as we’re concerned — was the planning of a Frequently Asked Questions page for our website. As we’re preparing the list of questions and answers — which will be introduced in Wednesday’s ‘Lectronic Latitude — one big question remains to be answered: How much of a done deal is this?
We all know that any number of projects have been killed after unfavorable environmental reviews, so what happens if the review for the proposed Cup venue — which will likely take a year — isn’t approved?
To fuel speculation, Oracle Racing has asked Rhode Island to be San Francisco’s understudy for the Cup. Oracle Racing Team’s director of external affairs, Tom Ehman, told the Providence Journal that they didn’t foresee any problems with San Francisco, but that they wanted to cover their bases, just in case.
Then sailing journalist Kimball Livingston, who may have sources we don’t, reported on "persistent rumors" that the race might be pushed back to 2014.
We honestly don’t know what to make of it all.