Cruiser Found Dead in Mexico
We’re saddened to report that Alameda-based cruiser John Long, 78, was found dead in Puerto Madero, Mexico — just north of the Guatemalan border — on Saturday. Long’s 55-ft steel ketch Culin had run aground and his bruised body was found floating nearby. Locals reported seeing two people carrying suitcases off the boat, and early (and unconfirmed) reports say the boat appeared to be ransacked. Authorities have detained two people in connection with the case but would not say if they were the people seen leaving the boat. No word yet on exactly how Long died.
The Mexican Navy is also investigating whether Culin was being used for smuggling as a "false bottom" was found in the boat. We have to wonder about the validity of the alleged "false bottom" as all boats have weird and funky storage spaces. Alameda sailor Ben Mewes, who knew Long for more than eight years, says he’d "be surprised if any of that was going on. He was financially secure from good investing and was a good old guy." Mewes goes on to report that Long’s ultimate goal was to sail Culin to his hometown of Cork, Ireland.
We’ll keep you updated on this tragic story in ‘Lectronic and the March issue of Latitude 38. If you have any information on the case, or just a story or photo of Long you’d like to share, email LaDonna.