Caption Contest(!)
Welcome to the August Caption Contest(!). We hope this never happens to any of our boats. But to be honest, a few of the boats we see tied at the docks could well be heading in this direction.

© 2024
See July’s winners in this month’s Loose Lips.
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The only thing more expensive than a cheap boat is a free boat.
She loves scuba diving!
My wife said I should clean the boat sometime, I think that’s what she said…
Grime happens
Race Ready
I guess I’m an off-roader at heart.
Hey! That’s my boat!
(caption contest)
But honey, I always look better after a mud facial!
“Honey? You didn’t happen to dry the boat with my socks again, did you?”
For sale: Diamond in the rough. Bottom scraped recently. Needs …everything!
Mr. Clean missed this one.
“Bob, call that guy who specializes in top jobs.”
You bring the Nehi, I got the mudpie 🙂
Water World Two staring Kevin Costmore coming soon.
You, Sir, have my vote!
Mr Perfect got upset because I left the hatch open.
Some people go by texture instead of color.
Captain Jack Sparrow’s race boat, the ‘Mud Hen’.
Custom wrap for shipping to upcoming J/24 Worlds in Seattle.
For sale. $1. Just needs a little TLC.
All there……just needs TLC
For Sale, One…maybe two owners, originally cast for the movie Goonies. All offers considered.
I don’t know why my j-24 weighs in a little heavy at the class championship
C’mon guys…. we are going with the Camo option !
My broker told me it just needs a little TLC, so let’s go look at it.
“That regatta was a real shit storm!”
Sam never understood why every single life form chose to desecrate just his boat…but Poseiden’s curse followed him, everywhere.
It’s a tough job keeping a boat Bristol when you circumnavigate solo.
When Bill saw the ad for a “boat spa” he figured that the vessel would get a wash and wax. He was wrong…
Honey, have you seen my power washer somewhere, I haven’t been able find it for quite some time.
That sail through boat wash needs work!
If boat and gear thefts are plaguing your marina, there is a new sure-fire solution. Simply spray on this anti-theft coating, and rest assured that your boat will be safe from thievery and malicious mischief.
Water was certainly more polluted than we expected!
And the winner for the greenest boat is…
Wait, you mean this isn’t what they mean by “sailing is a green sport?”
When buying a boat became a crap shoot.
Even Zombies need some R & R occasionally!
My boat is as old as I am
That’s a lot of seagull shit.
As global warming ceased to be just a scary story told by scientists, it was the emergence of “boat spores” that finally convinced everyone that it was a real threat.
…And to my ex-wife Loreena, I leave my beautiful sailboat, The Bottom Dragger II…
But you asked for the special “camo” gel coat!
The “new-to-sailing” crew barely muddled through their first sail.
Hon, I couldn’t afford a boat, so I bought you this Chia Pet.
For Sale: Junk s24. Mooring transferable.
Back in ‘68, in ‘Nam we had to camo our J/24’s like that!
We need to call the diver, it really needs a bottom cleaning.
My way of keeping the sails and deck unaffected by UV light.
We just re-named the boat…”Flying Dutchman”!