“Always remember the first rule of kite foiling, you are always first and foremost, flying a kite!”, said the instructor in my earpiece, as I apexed, sans foilboard!
A light morning breeze from the east presaged a postponement, but the race committee sent the boats out on time so that they would be ready as soon as a proper San Francisco summer westerly appeared.
The 70-ft monohulls handled conditions from a tough beat upwind to surfing downwind during an ocean-sprint thrill-ride on an exhilarating sea swell of over 13 feet.
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Rex jettisoned his lift off module, only to find out he couldn’t really fly.
Howdy Doody: I need a new hobby.
Buffalo Bob: How about kiteboarding?
Howdy Doody: Awesome! That can’t be too hard.
Beam ME up Scotty not the board!
Just a splash… bottoms up!
Space X aborts its economy launch program after its astronaut misread the instructions….
Legs are similar shape, should foil just fine…
OK you go this way and I’ll go that way.
I said port tack!
Curses! Foiled again!!
Houston, we have got a problem
You know it’s really so windy here on the bay that you really don’t need a board
Faceplant 101: Inhale deeply, tighten all orifaces!
Soon it was discovered if you attached your feet directly to the foil it would fly above the water.
Believe it or not, I’m walking on air…
Step 2: Ascend vertically and insert feet into the top brackets of the Kite Drone.
More non-skid next weekend, Damn it!
“This is scaring the blue p*ss out of me…HELP!”
Airborne Garage Sail!
“Always remember the first rule of kite foiling, you are always first and foremost, flying a kite!”, said the instructor in my earpiece, as I apexed, sans foilboard!
We have separation!
“Then I tried to ‘hang ten’ and . . . “
CURSES! Foiled Again!