Has Anyone Lost a Dog?
Workers on an oil rig in the Gulf of Thailand were astonished to spot a dog swimming toward the structure last Friday — especially so, since the rig lies 135 miles from the nearest land.
It took about 15 minutes to get the shivering, exhausted pup onto the deck, where he was given water and food. Once dried off and warmed up, the little dog seemed to make a quick recovery and soon endeared himself to the crew. They named him Boonrod, which means “He has done good karma which helps him to survive.”

Dogs are good swimmers, and the maritime history is full of stories about canines making long and/or dangerous swims. (When Napoleon was knocked overboard in rough seas during his escape from Elba in 1815, a Newfoundland dog reportedly jumped in and kept the Emperor afloat until he could be picked up.)
But not this far. The theory is that the dog most likely fell off a fishing boat. We note it here, because cruising sailors also frequent the Gulf of Thailand. Has anyone out there lost a dog off Southern Thailand recently?

After a day and a half, Boonrod was transferred ashore where a veterinarian pronounced him in good health. Victor Payalaw, an offshore planner for Chevron Thailand, who aided in the rescue, plans to adopt Boonrod when his duty cycle is up at the end of April.