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Alamedan Wins National Award

An Alameda sailor was named as the 2017 Educator of the year this week by the US Power Squadrons. Hailing from Ballena Bay in Alameda, Dr. Luther ‘Lu’ Abel has taught more than a hundred classes to thousands of boaters over the last 35 years in both the Bay Area and Boston. Dr. Lu has instructed students in boating basics, celestial navigation, and weather forecasting, among other maritime subjects.

Dr. Luther Abel (known by his friends as ‘Lu’) receives the US Power Squadrons’ 2017 Educator of the Year Award from Chief Commander Louie Ojeda (right).

© 2017 Steve Ericson / U.S. Power Squadrons National

As the world’s largest recreational boating organization, US Power Squadrons has been a premier maritime educator for over 100 years. Dr. Lu serves as the Northern California administrative officer for the organization. He teaches classes in Silicon Valley, Alameda and Oakland, plus monthly seminars co-sponsored by Ballena Isle Marina at the Ballena Bay Yacht Club, where he’s vice commodore.


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