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Ooooommmmm, 15, ooooommmm, 20, ooooommmm 25?latitude/Richard
©2007 Latitude 38 Media, LLC Today’s Photo of the Day is of Eugenie "all the stories you’ve ever heard about me are true" Russell, Commodore of the Punta Mita Yacht & Surf Club, meditating on the number of boats that will participate in next weekend’s first-ever Banderas Bay Bash.
©2007 Latitude 38 Media, LLC Today’s Photo of the Day is of Eugenie "all the stories you’ve ever heard about me are true" Russell, Commodore of the Punta Mita Yacht & Surf Club, meditating on the number of boats that will participate in next weekend’s first-ever Banderas Bay Bash.
As you read this, the December issue of Latitude 38 is being delivered to marinas, yacht clubs, boatyards and chandleries all over the Bay Area — just in time for the weekend!
In the latest of a long line of legal squabbles that have tarnished the America’s Cup, Grant Dalton, head of Team New Zealand, has sent a letter to Alinghi owner Ernesto Bertarelli, demanding compensation for the postponement of the America’s Cup to after ’09.
Chalk up a point for Larry Ellison. The New York State Supreme Court ruled yesterday that the Golden Gate YC’s challenge for the 33rd America’s Cup is, in fact, valid – that is, GGYC, rather than the Spanish CNEV, will be the Challenger of Record.
Oh Lord, he is so small, but his ship and his speed are so great!
"Man overboard!" "Man overboard again!" Despite light winds since the November 25th start, the 235 boats in the Atlantic Rally for Cruisers fleet have already reported two crewmembers have gone overboard.
Although the breeze was light, competition was intense at yesterday’s Big Sail.
© Chris Ray
Although Cal Berkeley’s Golden Bears may be favored over the Stanford Cardinal in the so-called ‘Big Game’ this Saturday, both Stanford’s varsity and alumni sailors triumphed over Cal in yesterday’s J/105 match racing in the Central Bay.
Ouch! Just when they were probably thinking about getting out the docklines and fenders.
The 40-year-old ‘eco-cruise ship’ Explorer sank after hitting an iceberg in Antarctica.
Chilean Air Force
©2007 Latitude 38 Media, LLC That’s what the brochures said, and that’s what the 100 passengers aboard the 250-ft ‘eco-cruise ship’ Explorer got.
©2007 Latitude 38 Media, LLC That’s what the brochures said, and that’s what the 100 passengers aboard the 250-ft ‘eco-cruise ship’ Explorer got.
They say timing is everything. And that certainly holds true with dinghy landings.
The 22nd Atlantic Rally for Cruisers (ARC) kicked off yesterday morning with 235 boats sailing across the starting line in fresh 20-knot winds.
Sailors from six cruising boats enjoy Thanksgiving together at Isla Isbella.
© Greg Retkowski
Just as extended families all over America travel long distances to be together for Thanksgiving, extended members of the cruising ‘family’- who have already traveled long distances – also come together to celebrate this American holiday.
America’s Cup Management has announced that, because of the legal squabble with the BMW Oracle Challenge from the Golden Gate YC, the 33rd America’s Cup has been postponed from the original date of 2009 in Valencia.
If the off-the-water battles for the America’s Cup disgust you, there is an antidote, and it’s Frenchman Francis Joyon, who today started his assault on the solo around the world record of 71 days, 14 hours and 18 minutes.
“Sis, boom, bah, jibe on their wind” . . . or something like that.
During the Ha-Ha, Profligate showed the kind of chute-splitting skills that has John Haste quivering in his sea boots.
Tranquil and unspoiled, Suwarrow has always been a favorite stop for Pacific cruisers.
Everything is shiny and new at the new Singlar Boatyard in Mazatlan.
© Michael Latta
"Last week I hauled my 22-ft Falmouth Channel Cutter Narwhal at Singlar’s big new boatyard facility next door to Marina Mazatlan," reports Mike Latta.
The 51-ft Pegasus was lookin’ good at last spring’s Master Mariner Regatta.
© 2007 Mariah’s Eyes
“In the 14 years since we started, we’ve introduced about 5,000 kids to San Francisco Bay and sailing,” explains Peter Hayes, founder of the Pegasus Project.
It just looks like the new locks for the Panama Canal, but is actually the slip where the Travel-Lift will haul boats at the new Riviera Nayarit Marina at La Cruz.
In recent weeks there have been reports in both the San Diego papers and CNN on some very violent attacks on American tourists in Mexico, mostly surfers in northern Baja, but also including some RV owners elsewhere in Mexico.
The oil spill on November 7 has left Bay Area residents (and politicians) asking some tough questions — How did it happen?
A total of 240 yachts from 27 countries are gathering in Las Palmas a week prior to the start of the 22nd annual Atlantic Rally for Cruisers (ARC) from the Canaries to St.
With the Central American cruising season now in full swing, current and future cruisers will be interested to note that a highly informative Yahoo Group website has been set up and is accepting new members.
This photo of the rooftop pool and jacuzzi at Marina Fidepaz is the first one ever to not include a female member of his crew.
Stockton’s Ni Orsi and his crew sailed more than 6,000 miles to reach this anchorage at Corsica that has a strong resemblance to The Baths in the British Virgin Islands.
A little over a week after the 902-ft Cosco Busan sideswipped the Bay Bridge, spilling 58,000 gallons of heavy-duty bunker oil into the Bay, the focus on oil recovery has moved from the water to the shoreline.
With the Ha-Ha having ended last Saturday, more than 150 cruising boats are now fanning out all over Mexico, from far up in the Sea of Cortez to way down at Acapulco.
Remember how great the last America’s Cup was? The close racing, the exciting TV coverage on the Versus channel, the good feeling that it was finally an event worthy of sailing’s oldest trophy?
In order to teach the onlooking Ha-Ha kids that love is preferable to violence, one of the Here To Eternity couples enters the contest arena.
As we reported on Monday, Chris Perkins’ J/105 Good Timin’ was stolen from its slip at San Francisco Marina sometime over the weekend.
Just when you thought it was safe to buy your ticket to Valencia, negotiations between America’s Cup Defender Société Nautique de Genève (SNG)/Alinghi and GGYC’s BMW Oracle have come to a screeching halt.
The crew of Profligate fueled up at Marina Cabo San Lucas last Saturday and would like to report the following prices:
Diesel was 6.63 pesos a litre or 25.11 pesos a gallon
Gasoline was 7.85 pesos a litre or 29.71 a pesos a gallon
The exhange rate between the peso and the dollar is about 10.5 to 1, which means that diesel was a little less than $2.50 U.S.
It hasn’t mattered which coast Samba has raced on, she’s come out on top.
In a move which falls under the heading of "unclear on the concept" the outer (red and green) channel markers at the La Paz harbor entrance were moved west recently, apparently due to operations near the Pemex fuel facitlity.
Well-known J/105 Good Timin’ was stolen this weekend.
©2007 Latitude 38 Media, LLC We’ve heard many stories of boats being stolen, but to take one of the top racing boats of the Bay creates some seriously bad karma for the thief.
©2007 Latitude 38 Media, LLC We’ve heard many stories of boats being stolen, but to take one of the top racing boats of the Bay creates some seriously bad karma for the thief.
Thanks for the memories – the Ha-Ha fleet group hug in Cabo.
©2007 Latitude 38 Media, LLC The 14th annual Baja Ha-Ha Cruisers Rally from San Diego to Cabo San Lucas officially ended Sunday evening with the big awards party.
©2007 Latitude 38 Media, LLC The 14th annual Baja Ha-Ha Cruisers Rally from San Diego to Cabo San Lucas officially ended Sunday evening with the big awards party.
Someone braved the oil yesterday: Del Olsen took his new International Canoe on her maiden voyage near the Richmond YC yesterday.
As the enormous Baja Ha-Ha disperses for points north, east and south, the primary means of keeping in touch with newly made friends is via cruiser nets.
Among the many huge yachts taking up dockspace in Cabo San Lucas was Ernesto Bertarelli’s 155-ft Feadship motoryacht Vava.
Just a quick reminder that the YRA’s Year-End Trophy party is tomorrow night at 7 p.m.
When the supercargo is away, the crew will play. We can’t be sure, but it’s believed that Dave Cort, (third from left), Commodore of the Los Angeles YC, was behind the dance party that broke out on Profligate the afternoon spent in Bahia Santa Maria.
Moving forward as if there was no lawsuit pending, America’s Cup Management announced yesterday that the 33rd America’s Cup will start July 18, 2009 in Valencia, Spain.
Glenn Tieman on his bitching 38-ft cat Manu Rere.
© Latitude 38 Media, LLC It was our pleasure to cross paths with Glenn Tieman of the homebuilt 38-ft cat Manu Rere while in Turtle Bay.
© Latitude 38 Media, LLC It was our pleasure to cross paths with Glenn Tieman of the homebuilt 38-ft cat Manu Rere while in Turtle Bay.
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