Archive for February 2019
See You at Movie Night(s)
We hope that you join us this Friday, March 1, at Spaulding Marine Center at 6:30 p.m. for a free screening of dare-we-say sailing classic Master and Commander: Far Side of the World. More »
Westwind Boat Detailing
Weather Weirdness; Golden Globe; Winners
Well, it looks like it’s going to rain for the rest of time here in the Bay Area. These last few storms have really packed a punch, so much so that we’ve felt the need to stand watch at home, and see if we need to take in sail or heavily reef the house. More »
Person Hoist Launched in Richmond
Most people don’t know how inaccessible our world is until they experience their own limitations with mobility or someone tells them about it. The RYC hoist project was inspired by a friend of many and force of nature. As an accomplished adaptive/para sailor…
Master and Commander at Spaulding Movie Night
Spaulding Marine Center invites you to a free screening of Master and Commander.
Cyclone Season Already?
We’ve seen wild winter weather all over the West Coast in the last few weeks. But a cyclone? Already?
“Typhoon Wutip is currently gathering strength just south of Guam, making it the first typhoon of 2019 and just the second one on record to spin up in this part of the Pacific in February,” according to Gizmodo, which was quoting data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. More »
Going, Going, Gone
This isn’t a new story. It’s an old story that is evolving before our very eyes.
Having been brought up in, around and on sailboats, we find that when we’re not sailing, we enjoy prowling the waterfront to check out boats, boatyards, marinas and whatever connects humans on land to life at sea. More »
March Racing Preview
Many Midwinter Series will sail their final races in March. You can find a pretty darn comprehensive list in our Calendar. At least one Beer Can Series will begin in March. Wednesday night racing in Santa Cruz resumes as soon as Daylight Saving Time begins.
Alameda Marina’s Boatyard
On Monday, February 25 at 7:00 p.m., the City of Alameda will continue to discuss the Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for a boatyard operator at the new Alameda Marina.
Nancy Hird, a member of Save Alameda’s Working Waterfront (SAWW), said the RFQ “did not adequately identify that an operator was needed, instead it was written as though they are looking for a sub-developer.” More »
Ad: West Coast Multihulls in the Sea of Cortez
Spring is for Sea of Cortez Charters & Lessons
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