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Archive for July 2018

Smoky Waters

Reader Dana Dupar sent us a few images from last weekend, as smoke from what has now become the 88,000-acre County Fire crept into the Bay, casting a bizarre, ghostly light. More »

Pacific Keel Klutter

It’s a busy time of year for the Pacific. With so many sailing events leaving the West Coast, the sea life might be sensing an invasion from their landbound descendants.   The Pacific Puddle Jumpers left the West Coast earlier in the spring, while the Singlehanded TransPac racers are beginning to arrive in Hanalei Bay. More »

Hurricane Beryl

The 2018 hurricane season has just begun, and there already appears to be a significant hurricane heading to the West Indies. On its current projected course, Hurricane Beryl is headed for Dominica, which was devastated last fall by Hurricane Maria. More »

Operation Dry Water

If one of your favorite sailing ditties is "What do you do with a drunken sailor…" you should know the Coast Guard has an answer. The Coast Guard wants everyone to know that USCG units throughout Northern California, alongside other law enforcement agencies, are scheduled to increase boating safety patrols Friday through Sunday in support of Operation Dry Water, a nationwide effort to increase enforcement of boating-under-the-influence laws. More »

Vic-Maui Race Departs Victoria

The Canadian flag is displayed on the fleet’s starting vessel as part of the race start/Canada Day celebrations. © Vic-Maui Race With the passing of Canada Day on July 1, the Vic-Maui International Yacht Race has officially gotten underway. More »