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One for the Multihulls

The Silver Anniversary Baja Ha-Ha looks as though it’s going to be a big one for multihulls. 

Of the 113 paid entries as of June 28, 13 of them are multihulls. And the mothership Profligate is, of course, a multihull, too. If the entries to date are any indication, this 25th annual Ha-Ha will have the largest fleet of multihulls in the history of the event.

The Baja Ha-Ha mothership Profligate, as seen in last year’s San Diego to Cabo San Lucas rally.

© 2018 Richard Spindler

All but three of the multihulls are catamarans. Lagoon made most of them, as the entry list includes a Lagoon 380, Lagoon 400, Lagoon 410, Lagoon 42, Lagoon 440, and a Lagoon 450F. There are two Catana 43s, and two Mantas, a 40 and a later-model 42. Privilige is currently being represented by a single 39-footer. The three multihulls that aren’t catamarans are Farrier-designed trimarans: a 31, a 41, and a 44.

The Ha-Ha provides an unusual opportunity for owners of multihulls, catamarans in particular, to sail in company and learn from each other. And that’s a good thing, because when you move from a monohull to a multihull, it’s moving to a different animal, and sailing side by side with similar catamarans is the best schooling you can have.

Ron Kuris sent us this photo over the weekend from his Privilege 39, Jane’O."The burgee is up," he said. This will be Ron’s first-ever Ha-Ha.

© 2018 Ron Kuris

If you’ve got a multihull — or a monohull — and like adventure, you might think about signing up for the 25th annual Baja Ha-Ha from San Diego to Cabo San Lucas. It’s a 750-mile event, with R&R stops at Turtle Bay and Bahia Santa Maria. The fun starts on Sunday, October 28.

Entries details can be found at


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