Terry Bingham Succumbs to Pancreatitis
We received the tragic news that Terry Bingham of the Seattle-based Union 36 Secret O’ Life passed away yesterday in a Bolivian hospital due to acute pancreatitis. Terry and his partner of 13 years, Tammy Woodmansee, have been cruising the West Coast of Central and South America for the past few years and had made it as far as Bahia de Caraquez, Ecuador. They would occasionally leave the boat to travel inland and were on such an adventure in La Paz, Bolivia, last Monday, August 18, when Terry experienced debilitating stomach pains.
The diagnosis was pancreatitis but the treatment didn’t seem to help. Surgery revealed that he was also suffering from sepsis, a severe blood infection. Once antibiotics were started, Terry began to improve. Though he was still on a ventilator, he was awake and alert. Terry’s condition continued to improve, so much so that Tammy was told by the doctors that they would try to remove the ventilator yesterday. Sadly, Terry suddenly suffered full cardiac arrest yesterday morning and passed away.
"For those of you who go way back with Terry, I am so sorry for your loss," Tammy wrote in an update to friends. "Terry was a great guy and he will be missed terribly. We were all with him — me, Christen, Hollice and Brad (Terry’s adult children) — over the past week and during his last moments. He died peacefully after removal of life support, in accordance with his expressed wishes. He will be cremated tomorrow, so we can take his remains home and scatter them in Puget Sound and the Pacific ocean."
If you would like to leave words of encouragement for Terry’s family, go to terrybingham.blogspot.
Defiance Gets Home Safely
We were glad to find out this morning that Defiance, the trimaran owned by Spectra Watermakers founder Bill Edinger, is safely home in Sausalito after a compromised hull forced the crew to call for assistance 150 miles west of Pt. Reyes on Wednesday. Everyone onboard is reported as safe. Defiance was returning to the Bay after a trip to Hawaii.
As of this writing, we were unable to speak with Edinger or confirm any more details. We’ll be following up on this and have more details for you at a later date.
BMW Oracle’s Tri Launched

Jill and Andy Rothman, formerly of the Bay Area and now of the San Juan Islands, sent us this exclusive picture of BMW Oracle Racing’s monsterous new 90-ft trimaran as it was towed around the waters of Puget Sound.

Workin’ Overtime to Bring You the News

©2008 Latitude 38 Media, LLC
With the long Labor Day weekend upon us, you should have plenty of time to enjoy your two favorite pastimes: sailing and (we hope) reading Latitude 38.
Our staff worked overtime to get this issue out on the streets prior to the holiday break, so we hope you enjoy it. Inside you’ll find all the latest Bay and international racing news, cruiser reports and more, including recaps of both the Pacific Cup and the Singlehanded TransPac, plus installment one (of three) of this year’s Baja Ha-Ha entry profiles.
So pick up your copy today. As you read this, our delivery staff is dropping off bundles of mags throughout the Greater Bay Area. So happy sailing — and happy reading! See you back here on Wednesday!