Young Sailors Chime in
Last week we published a shout-out to young sailors in an effort to learn about their sailing habits, how they got started, and how we can do a better job of entertaining them in the pages of Latitude 38.

So far, we’ve received a boatload of insightful comments and sailing photos, but we’d love to hear from more of you. So below is our quickie survey again. We greatly appreciate your input.
If you are under 40 and enjoy sailing in West Coast waters, please take a minute to tell us about your sailing style:
• What sort of boat do you normally sail (brand and length)?
• Do you normally sail your own boat or crew for others?
• If you own your own boat, roughly how much did you pay for it? (__<$10,000; __$10k-$30k; __$31-$60k; __>$60k)
• What sort of sailing do you normally do (racing, daysailing, cruising)?
• What is your dream boat?
• How did you learn to sail (sailing school, parents, friends, self-taught)?
• What events or destinations are on your sailing bucket list?
• What aspects of sailing or the sailing lifestyle would you like to see us cover more in Latitude 38 and ‘Lectronic Latitude?
While you’re at it, we’d love to receive a few of your favorite photos of yourself and friends enjoying the sailing lifestyle. Many thanks. We’ll see you out there.