What’s Your Winter Project?
If weather prognosticators are correct, there will be a lot of rainy days this winter when you probably won’t want to go out on the water. But such days are often perfect for facing up to the many boat projects on your ‘to do list’ — especially indoor installations.

Also, here in Northern California, even during intense winters there are often windows of fine weather — sometimes lasting a week or more — when you can sneak in a quickie haulout (often at discounted rates), or accomplish outdoor tasks such as painting or fiberglassing. Despite cooler air temperatures, the calm waters and light winds of winter can actually make such jobs easier than in mid-summer.

So tell us, what winter boat projects do you hope to tackle in the coming months? Send us a note here, along with a few photos if possible. Whatever you intend to accomplish, we wish you the best of luck.