The Weather is Beautiful
With the 15th annual Baja Ha-Ha from San Diego to Cabo San Lucas slated to start on Monday, the weather couldn’t be better. It’s been warm and dry most of the week, and tomorrow, Sunday, and Monday should see the high 70s, if not 80°.
As for weather on the first leg from San Diego to Turtle Bay, Commanders Weather is advising that not many people should be getting seasick. A weak offshore high means that Monday’s winds are going to be six to 12 knots, with very flat sea conditions. As the fleet moves farther down the coast, the winds could be in the 10- to 15-knot range. As usual, there will be stronger winds in the afternoon and lighter winds at night. Should you go offshore or onshore? That’s a tough call, as there will be more wind offshore at night, but a stronger afternoon seabreeze near the shore. No matter where you go, there should be plenty of opportunity for light air spinnaker practice.
Ha-Ha folks are everywhere in San Diego — at the marina, stores, banks, West Marine, Downwind Marine, the local eateries . . . everywhere. The mood is buoyant. Wish you all were here!