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Surf’s Up in SF

High tide and a big sea swell made the spray fly on shore, while just beyond, Golden Gate Yacht Club held their fourth midwinter race in a fortuitous break between big storm fronts.


When the National Weather Service issued a high surf advisory for coastal waters over the weekend, they didn’t mention anything about San Francisco city streets.

One of the lesser-known hazards of San Francisco city sidewalks.


These photos were taken along ‘Yacht Road’ which is actually a driveway and parking lot that connects the St. Francis and Golden Gate Yacht Clubs and serves the Bay side of the San Francisco Marina.

This wave caught men and dog alike. No animals were harmed in the filming of this story, but they did get damp.


Probably a good thing no one parked in those spaces, because of a formula so simple we don’t need Lee Helm to explain it to us: Salt water + Detroit steel = Rust.

We’ll have more on the actual racing, and other races over the weekend, in Wednesday’s ‘Lectronic.


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For most sailors it used to be that part of the attraction of getting out on the water was to escape the rat race and all its trappings, such as phones, faxes, computers and buzz-killing news broadcasts.
John Arndt, the Associate Publisher of Latitude 38, will give a talk, ‘A Sailing Life Inspires a Celebration of Sailing and Ocean Conservation,’ at a St.