Summer Sailstice Memories

© Latitude 38 Media, LLC
The last three days of rain have really put a damper on the sailing spirit, but for those who participated in last weekend’s Summer Sailstice, their memories kept them warm and dry. The annual celebration of sailing was started 13 years ago by Latitude’s Associate Publisher John Arndt, and was meant to encourage sailors around the world (okay, the northern hemisphere) to get out sailing on the ‘longest’ day of the year — the summer solstice.
Sailors from around the globe participated, even if it was on their winter solstice. "We had groups in Israel, South Africa, Peru, Bikini Atoll and Bora Bora sign up," said Arndt. He reports that thousands of local sailors attended the main celebration at Encinal YC, or smaller events such as the one held at Treasure Island YC, and that dozens of kids and adults were introduced to sailing with free boat rides.

© Latitude 38 Media, LLC
One of the favorite events at Summer Sailstice is the boatbuilding competition organized by Master Mariners member Ariane Paul. This year five teams joined in the fun, and while the studs from the American Youth Sailing Force were the fastest around the course, they lost out in a close vote "based on subjective measures" to perennial winner Berkeley Marine Center.

© Latitude 38 Media, LLC
Thankfully you won’t have to wait until next June 21 — the date for the 14th annual Sailstice — to once again enjoy some warm sunny sailing as this weekend is forecast to be killer: 15 knots and mid-80s. Perfection!