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Solo TransPac Final Results

The fleet of the 2008 Singlehanded TransPac enjoyed a memorable awards ceremony Saturday night.

© Latitude 38 Media, LLC

With the arrival of Barbara Euser’s Islander earlier in the day, the Singlehanded TransPac fleet was ready for a party Saturday night. The awards dinner was held poolside at the posh Princeville Hotel overlooking Hanalei Bay, and everyone reported having a fantastic time.

It was there that the official results for the race were finally revealed:

Multihulls: Hecla, Hammerhead 54, Jeff Lebesch (1 boat)
Large Monohulls: Alchera, J/120, Mark Deppe (4 boats)
Sport Boats: Polar Bear, Olson 30, Eric Thomas (4 boats)
Medium Monohulls: Haulback, Spencer 35, Jim Kellam (6 boats)
Small Monohulls: Wildflower, Wylie Custom 27, Skip Allan (5 boats)
First to Finish: Dogbark, Open 60, Al Hughes
First Overall (corrected time): Wildflower

Skip Allan was presented with several awards by Synthia Petroka and Sylvia Seaberg, including First Overall.

© Latitude 38 Media, LLC

At every post-finish get-together, talk tends to revolve around the race itself. Perhaps inevitably, many conversations turned to the racers’ yet-to-finish comrade Ruben Gabriel, who’s limping in under jury rig after losing his mast. Race Chair Synthia Petroka announced that, though he will be officially listed as FAD (Finished After Deadline), Gabriel will still receive his belt buckle as a finisher of the race. In a show of support, the other finishers climbed on stage and chanted "Spar-ky! Spar-ky! Spar-ky!" while Gabriel’s girlfriend Robbie Murphree videotaped the spectacle for him. At last report, he was making 3.3 knots in building winds about 285 miles out.

Look for the story in the September issue of Latitude 38. For full results, go to


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Judy and Bill Webster of the J/37 Sidekick bookend Judy-Rae Karlsen, the Rattle & Hum crewmember they and their crew pulled from the Pacific after a half hour swim.