September Issue Out Thursday
The September issue of Latitude 38 will come out on Thursday, September 1. With the long weekend ahead, you’ll have plenty of time to peruse its pages. Good thing, as it’s gunwale-to-gunwale full of sailing yarns. As usual, we start out with Calendar, Letters and Sightings, explore offshore destinations outside the Golden Gate, hear the racers’ own stories from the Pacific Cup, and recap the Pacific Puddle Jump. Max Ebb advises readers to Hang Up and Drive. Racing Sheet, World of Chartering and Changes in Latitudes follow. If you’re in the market for a boat or marine-related products and services, you need look no further than our Classy Classifieds and display advertising.
Pick up a copy at the usual places or read it online tomorrow afternoon. If you’d like to open your mailbox and find an issue there, you can subscribe here.