Seminars for Singlehanding to Hawaii
Are you Singlehanded Transpacific Yacht Race-curious? Or just interested in sailing your boat to Hawaii? Whether you’re committed to the 2020 SHTP or just beginning to entertain the idea, the Singlehanded Sailing Society invites you to attend their series of seminars leading up to the 2020 race.

Monthly seminars dot the calendar between now and the start of the race on June 27. Unless otherwise noted, the seminars will be held in Oakland Yacht Club’s Regatta Room starting this Wednesday evening, November 13, at 7:30 p.m. They’re free, and no registration is required. Just show up. Here’s the complete schedule with topics:
November 13
Welcome and introduction to the idea of the race, with David Herrigel and Bob Johnston.
December 11
Power requirements and types of communications, with Chris Case. Small boat issues; keeping yourself warm, dry and fed, with Express 27 sailors George Lythcott and Joe Balderamma.
January 11-12
January’s event will be a cruise-in to Richmond Yacht Club, with an emergency-rudder race in Potrero Reach. Come with or without your boat, bring your emergency rudder, talk about how they’re made, whether you’ve tried it, and try it out. Stay the night on your boat and eat breakfast at Louie’s the next morning.
February 19
The return trip: by container or sailor? Shipping logistics and the return home for those who might be considering sailing back. May also include a discussion of anchoring.
March 11
Rigging with Ryan Nelson of Rogue Rigging. Sail plans for a race to Hawaii.
April 1
Medical considerations and provisioning; the awards ceremony; accommodations; directions to Command Central in Hanalei.
May 6
Weather routing and race strategy, with advice from 2018 sailors from light-displacement, heavy-displacement and middle-range boats.
June 20
Pre-departure BBQ, potluck, crate packing and final shipping details. Location TBA.

For more info, see www.sfbaysss.org.