SAWW Needs Your Help
Save Alameda’s Working Waterfront, the group mobilizing to preserve maritime businesses and boating facilities at Alameda Marina, is looking for science and engineering specialists to help respond to the Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) submitted to the City of Alameda by the developer.
"If there are things that we should be addressing, now is the time to let the city’s planning department know," says Nancy Hird, the founder of SAWW.
Specialist help is needed in assessing parts of Chapter 4: Environmental Setting, Impacts, and Mitigation Measures. Specialists have stepped up to look at several of the subsections including hydrology, but Hird said they are still looking for help for:
• Air Quality
• Greenhouse Gases
• Biological Resources
• Geology and Soils
• Hazardous Materials
• Noise and Vibration
• Utilities and Service Systems
The DEIR can be found here. If you can help respond to any of the specialty areas above by February 15, please contact Hird at: [email protected]. DEIR responses can be sent directly to City Planner Andrew Thomas at [email protected].
As SAWW’s efforts continue on several fronts, Hird said they have been successful in getting developer Bay West to alter their plans, reducing the footprint for housing and retaining space for maritime businesses and dry dock storage. "We have been invited to a meeting by Bay West to view their third Master Plan, so we know we are making a difference in how they proceed," said Hird. "The city was happy to receive our proposed boatyard diagram and said they planned to give it to the developer as an exhibit of what the city requires for that function at the marina."
In addition to the science-focused responses to the DEIR, SAWW is now raising funds to hire an attorney who specializes in architectural preservation. The developer’s plans call for the demolition of several buildings at Alameda Marina that SAWW’s historical experts believe are legally worthy of protection. Donations can be sent to the Alameda Architectural Preservation Society (AAPS), which is the fiscal intermediary for Save Alameda’s Working Waterfront. Please make notation that your donation is for Alameda Marina, and send it to PO Box 1677, Alameda, CA 94501. (There is a PayPal option at alameda-preservation.org, but be sure to contact the organization to have it go to SAWW’s fund.)