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Sailboat & Tug Collide Outside Gate

Around 3 p.m. on Saturday, in the midst of the Three Bridge Fiasco, an unidentified sailboat collided with a tug or its tow just outside the Golden Gate Bridge, sinking the sailboat. The two crewmembers were rescued by the Coast Guard and treated for hypothermia at Station Golden Gate. Eyewitness reports put the tug on an outbound course outside the Gate when the incident occurred. The Coasties are investigating the incident, but confirmed with NorCal Sailing that the sailboat was not involved with the Three Bridge Fiasco.

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By all accounts, this Saturday’s Three Bridge Fiasco was a hoot. In a normal year, the Singlehanded Sailing Society’s annual melee typically features boats drifting haplessly around the Bay en masse, but this year winds in the mid-20s delighted racers, allowing the great majority to finish.
Skillful navigating and a good measure of luck allowed the VOR 70 Maserati to approach and round Cape Horn with relative ease — at least in comparison to some such adventures.