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RBOC Urges Action on Delta Tunnels

The following call to action came to us by way of the Richmond Yacht Club Sailing Advisory Committee and Board of Directors:

"PICYA [Pacific Inter-Club Yacht Association] and RBOC [Recreational Boaters of California] have called on their member clubs to contact their congressional representatives to oppose proposed elimination of judicial review of the California WaterFix (‘Twin Tunnels’) project. RYC urged PICYA and RBOC to oppose the California WaterFix project and helped shape the direction of RBOC lobbying efforts on this topic. We encourage you to review this Call-To-Action and contact your congressional representatives. Links to US Senators Feinstein and Harris are included, but please include your own representative to the House in your correspondence. Below is some suggested text for your message:

“I am writing to voice my opposition to Section 437 of the US House of Representatives Fiscal Year 2019 Interior Appropriations Spending Bill. The passage and enactment of this provision would pre-empt state law and prevent litigation against the California WaterFix [twin tunnels], including cases filed pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act, the California Endangered Species Act, and other laws. This proposed prohibition against federal and state judicial review of the environmental provisions of the California WaterFix [twin tunnels] would be contrary to important, long-standing state environmental laws and policies. The California WaterFix [twin tunnels] should not have a special exception to these laws. Thank you for your service.”

Hood, glimpsed here from the west bank of the Sacramento River last fall, would be ground zero for tunnels construction. Like many communities in the Delta, Hood is small, but charming to visit. The most recent census counted 271 residents.

© Latitude 38 Media, LLC

Here’s more about it from RBOC: "The rider has been introduced by California representative Ken Calvert [R-Corona]. It is Section 437 of the US House of Representatives Fiscal Year 2019 Interior Appropriations Spending Bill. It reads: ‘The passage and enactment of this provision would pre-empt state law and prevent litigation including cases filed pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act, the California Endangered Species Act, and other laws.’

"RBOC is concerned that the proposed prohibition against federal and state judicial review of the environmental provisions of the California WaterFix [twin tunnels] would be contrary to important, long-standing state environmental laws and policies. The California WaterFix [twin tunnels] should not have a special exception to these laws." For more information, go to Also see


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