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Party Tonight at Strictly Sail

The skies are clearing in Oakland, so make Strictly Sail Pacific a stop on your weekend itinerary.

latitude/John A.
© Latitude 38 Media, LLC

Do you smell that? That’s excitement in the air. The rain has stopped, the weekend forecast is calling for sunny skies, and Strictly Sail Pacific is open through Sunday. No wonder Bay Area sailors are excited — there’s really no better place than the boat show to catch up with your sailing buddies, score some killer deals on gear you need, and leave your DNA (in the form of drool, thank you) all over some pretty spectacular boats.

Take your pick of more than 100 free seminars — including ‘Banjo Andy’ Turpin’s ‘Baja Ha-Ha How-To’ today and tomorrow at 2:15 p.m., and ‘Cruising Tahiti & the Pacific Puddle Jump’ tomorrow at 3:30 p.m., both in seminar room D — or take advantage of the advanced seminars put on by John Neal & Amanda Swan-Neal, Jimmy Cornell and weather guru Lee Chesneau.

Join us in Booth #219 tonight at 6 p.m. for the Baja Ha-Ha Reunion party for some free beer and wine — wannabes welcome!

© Latitude 38 Media, LLC

If you’re going to pick just one day to attend the show, we’d highly recommend it be today. Not only will the crowds be a little lighter than over the weekend, but you’ll have the chance to attend the Circumnavigator’s Round Table at 3:30 p.m. in Room D. Moderated by Managing Editor Andy Turpin, the panel of nine circumnavigators — Clifford Cain, Hans Bernwall, Paul & Susan Mitchell, Mark Schrader, Anne Crowley, Uwe & Kara Dobers, and Capt. Richard Hewson — will share their insights on tackling such a journey. Shortly after the discussion ends, head on over to the Latitude 38 booth (#219) for some free beer and wine at our annual Baja Ha-Ha, Pacific Puddle Jump and Delta Doo Dah Reunion Party. Wannabes are welcome to join us till the booze runs out!

Hopefully you’ll return tomorrow to help send off the 10-boat Clipper Round the World Race fleet in style at 10:30 a.m. when they leave the show docks bound for New York on Leg 7. (If you’ll be on the water tomorrow, then for goodness sake, escort them out the Gate!) Then stick around to catch some more seminars, find some more must-have gear, and discover what you missed on your first walk-through — trust us, there’s never enough time to see it all in just one day.

Climb around the Clipper Race boats today before they head off on Leg 7 tomorrow morning.

latitude/John A.
© Latitude 38 Media, LLC

To make a return visit just a little less painful, be sure to buy your tickets in advance using this link for a $3 discount (or $5 for VIP tickets). If you go through the show’s website, you can also use the coupon code LAT38 to get the same savings. See you at the show!


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