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Natural Born Sailor

“C’mon, guys. Raccoon Strait is for babies — let’s go to the Farallones!”

© 2010 Mike Ross

"Derik Anderson and I have known each other since 1969 when our dads worked together," writes Mike Moss. "Recently, Derik brought his three-year-old son, Theo, for his maiden sail aboard my Catalina 25 Lady Priscilla. As we boarded, the only thing Theo said was ‘Let’s go.’ After relaxing into the boat, he said again ‘Let’s go!’ So we did.

"We saw 20 porpoise, a seal thrashing a large fish, got a family picture with Theo driving, and enjoyed a picnic while drifting in the Angel Island Rivera. After circumnavigating Angel Island, we got hammered behind Alcatraz. It was cold, brutal, and wet, but Theo was solid. At the dock, he said ‘Let’s go tomorrow!’

"A couple days ago, Derik called and put Theo on the phone: ‘Let’s go in the ocean next time.’" We see great things for this kid!


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