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“Is There a Football Game Today?”

"We thought you’d like to know that the Super Bowl wasn’t the only thing happening on Sunday," write Pat and Carole McIntosh of the Alameda-based trawler Peregrine. "Ten Baja Ha-Ha and/or Delta Doo Dah vets crossed tacks up in Roseville, outside of Sacramento, for an evening of storytelling and laughter. Here’s the breakdown of who was there:

  • Phil & Nora McCaleb of the Hunter 42 Shiraz (Ha-Ha ’05 & Doo Dah ’09)
  • Paul & Marilyn Butler with their Tayana 48 Renegade  (Ha-Ha ’06 & Doo Dah ’09)
  • Randy & Nancy Rowland Pacific Seacraft 27 Aphrodite (Ha-Ha ’04 & ’06)
  • Chris & Robyn Parker Island Packet 35 Robyn’s Nest (Ha-Ha ’06)
  • Pat & Carole McIntosh Hunter 430 Espiritu  (Ha-Ha ’06, ’08 & Doo Dah ’09)
Football? What’s football? Superbowl Sunday found these Ha-Ha and Doo Dah vets swapping sea tales instead of watching commercials on TV. From left to right, Phil & Nora McCaleb, Nancy & Randy Rowland, Robyn & Chris Parker, Paul & Marilyn Butler, and Pat & Carole McIntosh.

© 2010 Pat McIntosh

"The only ones with a boat still in Mexico are the Rowlands, who ‘commuter cruise’ out of La Paz. The year after they sailed to Mexico the Parkers loaded Robyn’s Nest onto Dockwise, and they have been sailing the Pacific Northwest since — last year they made it to Alaska and back. The boat is now in Vancouver, B.C. The McCalebs made it to Panama before returning north at the end of the ’08 sailing season, and are again sailing out of Marina Village in Alameda. They, along with the Butlers, became charter members of the ‘Cedros Island Yacht Club’ when they and several other sailboats were ‘marooned’ there waiting for a break in the weather on the way up the coast in June ’08. The Butlers sail out of Vallejo now, but have been doing a lot of ‘land cruising’ recently. We brought Espiritu north after two seasons in Mexico. Right after we got back, we did the ’08 Ha-Ha as crewon the 42-ft cat Sun Baby. We now have a trawler in Alameda, but don’t have time to use it much due to an influx of grand kids who are scattered from Placerville to Portland.

"Here’s hoping we see a lot more friends at the Latitude 38 Baja Ha-Ha (and Delta Doo Dah) Reunion Party on April 16 at Strictly Sail Pacific!"


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“Say, Joanne,” says Randy, “why don’t you and I take this big guy out for a little sail while everybody is busy at the post-no race press conference?”