Ha-Ha Entry Packets Shipping Today

©2009 Latitude 38 Media, LLC
Despite our gloomy economy — or perhaps because of it — there is no shortage of cruisers preparing to head south this year with the annual Baja Ha-Ha cruisers’ rally. Although the entry deadline is not until September 10, 82 boats have already signed up for the two-week rally (Oct. 25 – Nov. 7) which will take them from San Diego to sunny Cabo San Lucas.
As the above photo indicates, Rally Committee volunteers have been hard at work assembling entry confirmation packets which will be mailed out today. Inside, each boat will receive an official Ha-Ha burgee, tips on transient berthing along the California coast, a wide variety of special offers from the event’s 30 sponsors and more.
You’ll find complete details on this year’s event on the website, including a roster of current entries. The online sign-up process takes only about 15 minutes. And if you’re looking to crew this year, be sure to register with our free online Crew List, which is constantly updated. Our annual Mexico-Only Crew List Party — where potential crew mix and mingle with skippers in need — is scheduled for September 9 at Alameda’s Encinal YC, 6 to 9 p.m. Could this be your year to Ha-Ha?