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Good Jibes #94: Mark Mills on Designing Performance Yachts

This week’s host, John Arndt, is joined by Mark Mills to chat about making boats and races better. Mark is the founder of Mills Design, one of the most successful performance yacht design offices in the world. His boats have won many races, regattas, and Boat of the Year titles across the globe.

Good Jibes_Mark Mills
How did Mark choose yacht design as a career, and decide what boats to focus on?
© 2023 Mark Mills

Hear stories of sailing serendipity, the similarities between airplane and boat design, how Mark got his first design clients, how to create opportunities for yourself in the sailing world, and what he would do to improve racing.

This episode covers everything from yacht design to ocean racing. Here’s a small sample:

  • What kind of boats did Mark start sailing on?
  • How do you design performance yachts?
  • Where are the racing rules heading?
  • Does Mark do any racing these days?
  • What projects does he have on the drawing board now?
  • How do you build a community around a boat class?
  • What types of sailing are growing in Europe?
  • Short Tacks: Where’s Mark’s favorite place to sail?

Learn more about Mark at Mills Design Ltd.

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Vessel Yosukole
USCG and PPJ rally organizers are seeking information on a Pacific Puddle Jump rally participant who hasn't checked in.