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Experienced Journalist Wanted

After more than seven years of being a fabulous member of Latitude 38‘s editorial team, LaDonna Bubak — not to be confused with Doña de Mallorca — is leaving Latitude at the end of the year to do what you’d expect: go cruising with her husband Rob on their Wauquiez 47 Gazelle. We are really going to miss her for so many reasons.

Rob has finally roped Latitude Editor LaDonna Bubak into continuing their North Pacific cruise.

© 2013 Chris Gasperini

That means we’re actively searching for a passionate and productive in-house journalist to fill her shoes. The position involves writing, editing, proofreading, photography and layout — and being able to do three or more of them at once while under the pressure of an inflexible deadline. The material could be anything from local sailing features to racing to cruising — whatever it takes. And the job requires contributions to the three-days-a-week ‘Lectronic Latitude. If you’re looking for a super casual and cushy job, this isn’t it. If you’re looking for a telecommuting position, this isn’t it. If you’re looking for a job in which you work 9 to 5, this isn’t it. But for the motivated journalist, it can be extremely rewarding.

Latitude‘s World Headquarters is housed in an old building in leafy Mill Valley, and most of our staff have been with us 15 years or more. Everybody knows their responsibilities, so we don’t micro-manage — we just expect you to do whatever it takes to get the job done well and on-time. We pay competitive wages and foot the bill for 100% of the health insurance coverage with Kaiser. And from time to time there can also be some great travel opportunities.
We welcome resumes from anyone local who meets our minimum requirements. NO PHONE CALLS! Anyone who calls is automatically disqualified. Just click HERE to read the complete job description, and to send us your resume and writing samples. 

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Some things start small and seemingly innocuous, but grow big and nasty. Just ask the ghost of Richard Nixon about his early denials of having anything to do with the little burglary at Watergate.