Delta Doo Dah Deux to Decamp

If you’re wondering what that grey box is up there, it’s an image taken from a high-definition web cam mounted in the Sausalito hills overlooking the Bay. The shot was taken at 11:08 this morning and clearly illustrates what the month of July has been like on the Bay — chilly, foggy and thoroughly un-summer-like. To fight the summer ‘sog’, a group of about 50 boats are hitting the high road tomorrow and heading up-Delta in the 2nd Annual Delta Doo Dah — a.k.a. the Doo Dah Deux.

©2010 Latitude 38 Media, LLC
But first, this group of dreary-weary folks will meet up tonight at Tradewinds Sailing in Richmond’s Marina Bay Yacht Harbor for an ersatz skippers’ meeting — really just an excuse to get to know each other a little, go over what to expect, and answer any questions first-timers have about sailing in the Delta.
And the sailing should be fine. According to the forecast, the Doo Dah’ers are in for a real treat — mid- to high-80s and a southwest breeze of 15 knots. Even Stockton is promising 89° for next Friday’s Doo Dah Hooplah party at Stockton Sailing Club.

We’ll be tweeting and posting to Latitude‘s Facebook page — and of course contributing more detailed reports to ‘Lectronic Latitude — throughout the event, as well as writing a full report for the September issue of Latitude 38. And if last year’s Doo Dah was any indicator, this year should be one to watch!