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Wings & Foils
Mike Martine

Get the Good Jibes with Mike Martin

Hear Mike talk about how to find the type of sailing you truly enjoy, what’s special about the 5O5 and whether winning championships ever gets old.

Local Aussies Win Sydney SailGP

SailGP's Sydney event has come to and end, and we're looking forward to the action of the F50 foiling cats tearing across San Francisco Bay.
Aerial of damaged Japan boat

Dramatic Collision at SailGP Sydney

A collision between Great Britain and Japan took both teams out the race — and out of the remainder of the Sydney SailGP regatta.
SailGP boats sailing

Third Woman Joins US SailGP Team

The US SailGP Team announced that 23-year-old Anna Weis will trial with the team at this week's Australia SailGP in Sydney.
AC40 rendering

America’s Cup 37 Protocol Announced

With the release of the Protocol for the 37th America’s Cup by Emirates Team New Zealand and INEOS Britannia we have learned a lot and really very little at the same time.