Hawaii to Alaska — Selling Everything and Going Sailing
It's the classic story of selling everything and going sailing — Robert and Heid Rivard bought a boat and pushed off for Hawaii.
Storm-Charged King Tides Flood Bay Area Foreshores
There's no doubt that Saturday was wet, but the addition of the king tide caused more than the usual flooding in the north end of the Bay.
Max Ebb: Rainy Day Projects (Perfect for the Weekend Ahead)
In perfect timing for this weekend's weather, Max and Lee share some activities for those who don't want to get wet.
San Diego Yacht Club’s Third Hot Rum Race Concludes the Series
SDYC's third Hot Rum race was held under beautiful sunny skies, and, as per the "old wives' tale," little to no wind.
Wet Weekend Weather and King Tides Return
Wear your high boots: Winter King Tides return this weekend.
Will Google’s GenCast Transform Transpac Weather Routing?
AI improvements are increasing the accuracy of weather information.
Vendée Globe Continues to Rocket Around the World
The Vendée Globe fleet is on a blistering pace around the world. Will the boats hold together?
Sunny San Francisco Bay Sunday Social Sailing
Social sailing with family and friends can be the best sailing.
Picture-Perfect Start to Island Yacht Club’s Midwinters
Island Yacht Club’s Island Days midwinter series got off to an exciting start on Sunday, November 10, with the Columbia 5.5s bringing the wind.
November King Tides Swamp Bay Area Foreshores
Did you notice the uber-high waters this weekend?
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