The Old Men and the Sea
Against all of our youthful instincts, wisdom prevailed and the decision was made to head up to Potato Slough in the Delta the next morning.
The Peace Navy Offers an Alternative to Fleet Week
San Francisco has been at the center of the peace movement for many decades. It might have started with the founding of the United Nations at the Herbst Theater in 1945, or possibly with the Summer of Love and the Berkeley Vietnam War protests. More »
Last Call for SoCal Ta-Ta Expressions of Interest
We need the owners of at least 30 boats to express serious interest in the rally, or else it's simply not worth going through the considerable organizational hoops to make it an official event.
Will There Be a 2019 SoCal Ta-Ta?
It’s all up to you.
The SoCal Ta-Ta (aka ‘Reggae Pon Da Ocean’) is a week-long ‘lite’ version of the Baja Ha-Ha that we’ve run four times before with anywhere from 20 to 40 boats. More »
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