Summer Sailstice
How Will You Celebrate Sailing on Summer Sailstice?
One weekend in the life of sailing, and a lifetime of sailing in one weekend. Summer Sailstice is the time for all sailors of all sailing styles to celebrate ‘together.’
Summer Sailstice Welcomes Aboard New Sailing Ambassadors
The 2021 Summer Sailstice ambassador program gives you an opportunity for an official role in getting the world sailing on June 19.
Islander 36 Summer Sailstice Cruise
Ten family-crewed Islander 36s met under the western span of the Bay Bridge to take a tour of the San Francisco Bay to celebrate Summer Sailstice on June 20.
A Brisk and Refreshing Summer Sailstice on San Francisco Bay
It was a perfect sailing weekend for the energetic YRA Summer Sailstice Treasure Hunt.
Laser Fleet Experiences a Wet, Wild Sailstice
Over in the East Bay, a hardy band of Laser sailors celebrated the Sailstice by venturing into full-on nuking summer pressure on Southhampton Shoal.
#raiseyoursails for Summer Sailstice on June 20
Summer Sailstice was founded to get more people sailing and to connect sailors to start their summer of sailing 'together' on the solstice
Last Call for Summer Sailstice
Summer will officially start this Saturday, June 20, and with it, on the longest day of the year, we celebrate the Summer Sailstice.
Join Summer Sailstice on June 20
Summer Sailstice was founded to get more people sailing and to connect sailors to start their summer of sailing 'together' on the solstice
Hey YRA Racers: #raiseyoursails on #summersailstice
Recently, US Sailing VP Rich Jepsen recalled Bay Area legend Tom Blackaller saying, "Why would anyone ever just go sailing?" When racers are forced to relax they get all stressed out.
The Biggest Virtual Sailing Event Ever?
Sailors in Second Life (SL) are inviting wet-water enthusiasts from around the world to join them for the most realistic and satisfying sailing experience available online.
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