Repair & Maintenance
Good Jibes Is Back on Deck With Episode #152: An Unexpected Adventure With Ryan Foland, Nigel Silva-Dallenbach, and Lawrence Charles
The 'Good Jibes' team is back from vacation and on deck, ready to serve up the best of sailing with stories and tips about cruising, racing, adventure, exploration or just plain sailing.
Caption Contest(!)
Welcome to the August Caption Contest(!). We hope this never happens to any of our boats.
Hank Easom Scholarship Fund Announced at Spaulding Marine Center
Jan Easom Kneib has announced the Hank Easom Scholarship Fund to support the Boatworks 101 Apprenticeship Program at Spaulding Marine Center.
Latitude 38 Crew Mingle at Svendsen’s Spring Fling Show
Svendsen's Spring Fling Show is up and running. Are you coming? We're already on site and looking forward to see you all!
Tall Ship ‘Stad Amsterdam’ Hosts the Blue Tech Future
The clipper ships of the late 1800s were the most technically advanced use of wind for power in their era. A new generation of technology leaders met aboard the 'Stad Amsterdam' as they create a blue wave, developing the sustainable systems of the future.
The Resourceful Sailor Secures ‘Sampaguita’s Drop Boards
The Resourceful Sailor presents this simple design as an option for securing your companionway drop boards, whether to appease racing rules or for your own sense of security.
USS ‘Potomac’ Heads to Dry Dock at Bay Ship, Alameda
The 165-ft historic FDR presidential yacht USS 'Potomac' will be dry-docked at Bay Ship, Alameda, on March 11.
The Resourceful Sailor Asks, “Is It Varnish or Vanish?”
"I’ve heard it said that you should only varnish your boat once. Right before you are going to sell it."
Sailor, a Tall Ship and Latitude Connect at The Depot in Mill Valley
Where do you find a good read, and a good sailor? At The Depot, of course.
Sausalito’s Working Waterfront Takes Center Stage in Innovation
The Sausalito Working Waterfront Coalition is continuing its mission to retain the Marinship waterfront as a home for innovation, activation and creation in both maritime and land-based businesses, and the artist community.
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