Caption Contest(!)
Here’s your June Caption Contest(!)

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Here’s your June Caption Contest(!)
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Sail submarine
Who needs to foil when they can submarine?
Darn Sinkholes!
“Rig for Silent Running!”
He’s going faster than hull speed.
Just a little bit more freeboard would be nice…
Once again, Jason’s wife pointed out that he had failed to read the instructions and installed the new bilge pump backwards.
Lowriders…. drive a little slower…
I bought enough beer to last the whole trip.
A rising tide lifts (almost) all boats.
Never get into a life raft unless you have to step up!
How low can you go!
Well, that’s just swell!
For sale- Lowfreeboard 30. 150 Genoa, lazy jacks, serviceable anemic 4. Can be a bit wet. Best offer, or trade for Downeast 32.
Dive! Dive! Level off at periscope depth!
Wilbur had been sceptical about climate change. Now he had experienced rising sea levels for himself he was finally convinced.
Hey: Sail trim is fine — take a look down here!
Testing the new sail-powered submarine — so far, so good…
“Hey, look! There’s _Sea Level_!”