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Blue Water on Yellow Pages

It looks like America’s Cup fever has taken hold all over the Bay Area, even at the telephone utilities. This year’s cover of the Marin County Yellow Pages features a nice shot of boats sailing in Richardson Bay with Mt. Tamalpais in the distance. It could, of course, be a simple coincidence that a sailing shot was chosen for the phone book, but we have a sneaking suspicion that the West Coast will see a lot more sailing-centric ads over the next two years. Hopefully such marketing will also serve to attract more people to our favorite sport.


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The family that soars together, smiles together. Life aboard La Loupiote is never dull.
The America’s Cup Racing area on your San Francisco Bay. © ACEA The America’s Cup Event Authority has released a map of the racing area for America’s Cup 34, and lo and behold, it looks a lot like what AC Race Management Director Iain Murray said it would back in early January.
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