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America’s Cup is on for Next Week

USA getting some hang time off Valencia in preparation for the 33rd America’s Cup match.

© Gilles Martin-Raget

Barring any unforseeable delays, amid a flurry of last-minute legal action the 33rd America’s Cup will get underway Monday! What? It’s really going to happen? That’s what it sounds like. Although at times in the last 2.5 years it has seemed like the next Cup would never come, what with all the endless legal machinations and rancor, it’s on for BMW Oracle Racing and Alinghi. There will be unspecified wind limits and a chance that the matches won’t go off in a true DOG format, but those are the only caveats. The match will be televised just about everywhere in the western world except the United States, which should come as no surprise to anyone who has ever tried to watch sailing on TV in this country. But the good news is, that for the first time ever, it will be broadcast live, online, at so you don’t have to miss out! And you won’t want to. This could well be one of the most exciting Cup matches ever, if for no other reason than even if one boat fails and can’t finish a race, just watching the other one blast around at insane speeds — like as much as four times the wind speed — should be entertainment enough.


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The Mamas and the Papas had it wrong – you’d be safer and warmer at Grand Case than you would in L.A.