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A New Generation of Net Controllers

Cruisers seem to be in agreement that 10-year-old Mera and her sisters do a bang-up job as net controllers.

Don Quixote
©2009 Latitude 38 Media, LLC

When couples with children take off cruising, the parents sometimes enjoy the adventure much more than their kids. That doesn’t seem to be the case with the Congers. Sailing aboard their Seattle-based Lagoon 380 cat Don Quixote, Mom (Karen), Dad (Dean), and their three daughters, Jaime, 12, Mera, 10, and Aeron, 8, are all equally excited about their year afloat.

In fact, the kids have gotten so deeply immersed into the cruising life, that they’ve recently taken over net control duties practically everywhere they go — and they’ve earned kudos from adult cruisers for the ‘professional’ job they do. Read more about them in the upcoming edition of Latitude 38.


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