A Look Back at 2013
The new year is a time for reflection and fresh starts. Every January we reflect on the top stories of the previous year in our Year In Review feature, but we also like to tip our hats to a handful of the year’s top sailing stories here in ‘Lectronic. You’ll find those below.
As for fresh starts, it’s time for this writer to say goodbye. While this will be my last ‘regular’ ‘Lectronic story, you will undoubtedly see reports from me in the coming months and years as my husband and I continue the long-term cruise we put on hold eight years ago so I could take my ‘dream job’. And it has been a dream, the very best kind, thanks to everyone at Latitude 38 and all of our readers. You’ll soon be able to keep up with our exploits at www.sailgazelle.com (coming soon!) but in the meantime, feel free to drop me a line via email. Have a fabulous 2014 — hope to see you out there!