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Cruiser's Rally
We just — and we mean just — got a call from the Grand Poobah in Bahía Santa Maria giving us a little Baja Ha-Ha update.
A Question for the Nation
On Friday, Mitchell Andrus asked Latitude Nation what forecasting tools they used to plan a coastal cruise.
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Westwind Washing, Waxing, Varnishing. Serving the Bay Area for more than 25 years.
Atlantic Racing Update
For British skipper Alex Thomson, the Transat Jacques Vabre again lived up to its reputation as a boat-breaker, though one that will allow him and his Hugo Boss team to come back stronger for the Vendée Globe.
Are you Singlehanded Transpacific Yacht Race-curious? Or just interested in sailing your boat to Hawaii?
Francis Joyon has just beaten his own record, set 10 years ago. This stretch of the Route to the Indies is called the Mauritius Route. Joyon covered the course in…
Where do you get your weather information for coastal cruising? My partner and I recently took a two-week cruise from Berkeley to the Channel Islands and back on our Kelly Peterson 46 Esprit.
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Your West Coast Island Getaway! ASA Catamaran Sailing School & Charters.
The Maiden Factor
Maiden bids farewell to California today, departing from San Diego. Maiden will sail directly to the Panama Canal and then on to Antigua.
In this month’s Sightings, Webb Chiles attempts to answer the answerable. Don’t forget that Chiles still regularly posts on his website, which can be found here.
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Tiburon 2 Bed/1 Bath Condo for Sale: $739,000. A bright, beautiful condo in an amazing location. Open House This Sunday, 2-4 p.m.: 10 Andrew Drive #60.
When is Monday the best day of the week? When you’re starting the Baja Ha-Ha.
It’s been difficult these past few weeks to remain upbeat. Between the unprecedented fires, unprecedented winds and unprecedented power outages, October in California seems more like a preview of the End of Days than the month of plenty.
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Rates, rental forms and details on what Brickyard Cove has to offer.
Over the weekend, we said goodbye to post-workday sunlight when we set our clocks back one hour. Autumn is exactly half over.
Latitude 38’s Classy Classifieds
Latitude 38's Classy Classifieds are the place to shop for sailboats — as well as marine gear, trailers, liferafts, boat partnerships, trades and more.
Cruiser's Rally
Aaaaaannnnnnnnd they’re off. A herd of happy cruisers sailed out of San Diego Bay this morning to the sound of a mariachi band, the blasting of starter-shotguns, and the bursting of fire hoses.
Bay Area Classics
News of Pronto II’s imminent demise about a month ago sent ripples through the sailing community, and for a moment, it looked as if a miracle might materialize.
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The number one app for getting rid of number two.
Atlantic Racing Update
More than eight days into this 14th edition of the Transat Jacques Vabre, the leaders are now over halfway from Le Havre, France, to Salvador de Bahia, Brazil. At the head of the premier IMOCA division are…
They raid in France, Sweden and Great Britain, so why not here? A raid is an organized rally in small boats that can paddle, sail or row in shallow water with overnights in towns, beaches or campgrounds.
I need a new Latitude
What do Randall Reeves, the Red Bra, Berkeley Marina, Mexico cruising, Webb Chiles, the Transpac Tahiti 2020, sailing books, Max Ebb and the Season Champs all have in common?
Three Sheets to the Wind
Word from a local boatyard operator is that, after 15 years of running the social media giant Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg — who it turns out is a local sailor — has decided to take up cruising just “to get away from it all.”
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Brand new docks in Marina del Rey at Wayfarer Marina.
The dream of cruising the South Pacific is high on the ‘must-do-someday’ list of sailors all over the world. For well over two decades the annual Pacific Puddle Jump rally has helped fulfill those dreams.
Wait! Stop! Spoiler Alert! Before you read more of this post, did you have the chance to take Richmond Yacht Club's Great Pumpkin Regatta Nautical Trivia Quiz we posted on Wednesday?
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Tiburon 2 Bed/1 Bath Condo for Sale: $739,000. A bright, beautiful condo in an amazing location. Open House This Sunday, 2-4 p.m.: 10 Andrew Drive #60.
As we reported on Monday, the Golden State is at the bitter, ugly end of its now-endemic fire season, and grappling with the realities of its “new normal.”
Behind the leading IMOCA 60s is an impressive fleet of Class 40s, which started at 27 boats but has already seen some heavy attrition.
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The number one app for getting rid of number two.
Isn't the yacht racing season over yet? Neeeeever! We carry on into November with…
Nautical Trivia
Fortunately, the power stayed on at Richmond Yacht Club, and scores of sailors there for the weekend gathered there Sunday morning to enjoy breakfast and a Nautical Trivia Quiz.
The Mill Valley office of Latitude 38 is among the hundreds of thousands of homes and businesses without power in Northern California, but we recognize this is trivial compared to the impact from the fires people, homes and businesses are feeling to the north of us.
A Spectacle of Foiling Cats
SailGP will return to the US of A in 2020, with Season 2 grand prix events set for San Francisco and New York. The spectacle will return to San Francisco Bay on May 2-3.
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Your West Coast Island Getaway! ASA Catamaran Sailing School & Charters.
Crews heading south to Mexico this winter who’ve upgraded their nav stations with AIS and digital radar will probably feel safer than ever. But there’s one type of offshore obstacle that doesn’t subscribe to AIS and rarely if ever shows up on radar.
A one-day pilot collection event to get rid of expired or unwanted marine flares will be held in Alameda County on Sunday, November 3, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
The power's out at Latitude 38's headquarters in Mill Valley.
Earlier this month, we asked the Latitude Nation to share their sailing license plates.
News from latitudes a bit farther south crossed the Racing Desk at Latitude 38 this week.
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ASA 101/103 Combination Course: Basic Keelboat Sailing and Basic Coastal Cruising at Modern Sailing School & Club.
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Tiburon 2 Bed/1 Bath Condo for Sale: $759,000. A bright, beautiful condo in an amazing location. Open House This Sunday, 2-4 p.m.: 10 Andrew Drive #60.
Sailing for a Good Cause
Sunday on San Francisco Bay was as sunny as Saturday was foggy. It was a magical day for sailing and a magical day to sail for the cause of curing blood cancers. Everyone who came out felt lucky to be alive.
The Baja Ha-Ha’s Grand Poobah — who also happens to be the founder of Latitude 38, in case you didn’t know — took a moment to remind this year’s flock of southbound cruisers that the US Coast Guard has your back, and will hold a lecture to let you know how they can best serve you.
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Westwind Washing, Waxing, Varnishing. Serving the Bay Area for more than 25 years.
Olaf Theodore Harken passed away on Monday, October 21, at the age of 80. Olaf and his older brother, Peter, created the hugely successful rope-handling business that bears their name.
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Tiburon 2 Bed/1 Bath Condo for Sale: $759,000. A bright, beautiful condo in an amazing location. Open House This Sunday, 2-4 p.m.: 10 Andrew Drive #60.
'Moli' slowly emerged on the horizon, a bright orange stripe on her mast distinguishing her from the other boats that had gone out to meet her on Saturday.
Francis Joyon took advantage of a weather window this weekend to embark on his Asian Tour record attempts. The Frenchman set off Saturday morning at 9:11 UTC on his attempt at the 8,800-mile Mauritius Route record.
Carve out time to save 30% off AwlGrip products. Schedule your project today at KKMI.
Youth Sailing
Yesterday marked the official opening of the Siebel Center — a sailing program that aims to increase diversity and opportunity for youth in the sport of sailing — at Treasure Island Sailing Center, or TISC.
If you live or berth your boat in San Mateo County, mark your calendars. You're invited to dispose of unwanted or expired marine flares on Saturday, November 2.
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Tiburon 2 Bed/1 Bath Condo for Sale: $759,000. A bright, beautiful condo in an amazing location.
Open House This Sunday, 2-4 p.m.: 10 Andrew Drive #60.
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